Closing the sky for planes over Poland is still a threat

Closing the sky for planes over Poland is still a threat. Scheduled for At 9.00 a meeting on the air traffic controllers’ strike with the authorities of the Polish Air Navigation Services Agency did not take place. The agency invited employees to a meeting, but, as we learned from the institution’s spokesman, no one appeared on the spot.

Further talks are to take place in the morning. This is the last call, because – as announced yesterday – if there is no agreement by 10:00 AM, the flight cancellation procedure will begin.

Many flight connections can be cancelled

Massive cancellation procedure, which threatens Poland, consists in mass cancellation of flights in order to protect airspace passengers from negligence and to maintain air safety. Consequently, if there is no approval at the Agency by 10.00 today, many flight connections to and from Poland, but also over Poland, will be cancelled.

PANSA agreed to restore the salaries of the controllers in the amount before the coronavirus pandemic. In response, the trade union issued its demands.

“The proposal of the Air Traffic Controllers Trade Union (ZZKRL) was received at approx. 22. PANSA management worked on it all night. At At 9.00 the trade unionists were invited to the meeting, PANSA spokeswoman Agata Król informed earlier about the talks.

Not all about money

However, the trade union issued a statement stressing that the conflict is not all about money.

“The conflict is not about buying us, it’s about finance. The key is to rebuild an institution with a high security culture, both for those working in it and for those for whom the institution works. We are talking about the lives of hundreds of thousands of passengers a day” they say.

ZZKRL provides seven points that should be met. They are:

Security – want talk to the management of PANSA about 24 points;

Work regulations – compliance with the rules of working time specified, inter alia, in the PANSA Act as well as in EU regulations;

Remuneration regulations – a transparent pay scale, objective and accountable remuneration principles

Withdrawal of the orders of the former acting president that are inconsistent with Polish law;

Reinstatement of unduly dismissed controllers;

Bringing to account all those whose acts or omissions have led to the present security crisis;

Restoring the work ethos – adopting a code of ethics that will protect whistleblowers and effectively prevent mobbing.

The dispute in PANSA has been going on for many months. Air traffic controllers do not agree to pay cuts, as we have written about  in this text . They explain that as a result their salaries will be reduced by about 30 to 50 percent. The Trade Union of Air Traffic Controllers (ZZKRL) also accuses the Agency of improper management of the institution’s work during a pandemic and violation of safety and work culture.

The agency explained that it simply cannot afford to keep so many air traffic controllers at this level. PANSA’s income depends on the level of air traffic over Poland, and this has sharply shrunk with the onset of the coronavirus pandemic in 2020 and air traffic restrictions.

So if you are going with a plane or planes it is a good idea to keep yourself updated here on these pages.

Source: 300gospodarka


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