Tusk: re-election of Adam Glapiński was illegal.

Donald Tusk leader of the political party PO believes that the re-election of Adam Glapiński to the position of President for the National Bank of Poland was illegal and announced his removal from the post if the Civic Platform wins the parliamentary elections. The next one is in 2023 the latest.

Tusk referred to doubts raiseds

At the Platform’s Saturday convention, Tusk thus referred to the doubts raised by some lawyers who believe that Adam Glapiński could not run for another term as the President for the National Bank of Poland, because he was a member of the board of the central bank even before becoming President.

Pursuant to the Act on the National Bank of Poland, a maximum of two terms of office may be a member of the management board of the National Bank of Poland.

Doubts were found

Radio RMF FM at the beginning of May reported that such doubts were found, among others, in legal opinions ordered by the Chancellery of the President.

At the PO convention on Saturday, Donald Tusk referred to that matter.

Adam Glapiński is incompetent 

– Adam Glapiński is not only incompetent, he is not only indecent in what he does, Adam Glapiński is also illegal. He will not be the President for the National Bank of Poland any longer. There will be no need for a law – nobody remembers it anymore, but lawyers commissioned by President Duda wrote him expert opinions, which showed that his election for this term was illegal – said Tusk.

– A much smaller doubt would be enough to lead the guest out of the NBP and I will do it, I guarantee it – he added.

On May 12, the Sejm elected Adam Glapiński to the position of President for the National Bank of Poland. The head of the central bank took the oath on June 22 and thus began his second term in his second term in this role.

Source: 300gospodarka Photo: PO


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