Earnings from 11000 PLN up to 21000 zloty. The number of Polish job offers in this industry has increased by 100%

Earnings in the case of employment contracts range from 11 thousand up to 17 thousand PLN, and in the case of B2B contracts from 14.5 thousand PLN up to 21 thousand zloty. You can also choose from more Polish job offers – compared to the previous year, in the first half of 2022 their number increased by 100%. This is what the employee market in the IT industry looks like today – according to the latest No Fluff Jobs report, the key conclusions of which are the first to be published.

The analysis of job offers published on the No Fluff Jobs portal shows unequivocally – the Polish IT sector suffers from a lack of employees. The number of offers in the first half of 2022 was 97 percent higher than in the first half of 2021. Wages also increased – the median of the lower and upper forks went up.

Salaries in IT in Poland

In the case of offers containing a proposal to conclude employment contracts, IT specialists can count on earnings of PLN 11,000 – 17 thousand PLN gross (respectively 10% and 12% more than last year – ed.). Those who decide on a B2B contract can count on net amounts of PLN 14.5 thousand – 21 thousand PLN (by 9% and 14% more than in the first half of 2021 – ed.).

– Looking at our latest data, we can say that the European IT market is in a very good condition and is not threatened by the Hiring Freeze phenomenon. Here, the approach to investing in technology startups differs from the operating model in the United States, hence the problem of the declining number of VC (venture capital) investments does not affect the overall situation on the market. 

In the first half of 2022, the number of advertisements published on the No Fluff Jobs portal increased by 96.55 percent compared to the same period last year. This is an impressive and encouraging result, especially since positions not strictly related to programming played an important role here. 

The only thing left for us to do is to continue to observe the market and efficiently react to emerging trends – says Tomasz Bujok, CEO of No Fluff Jobs, about the results of the analysis.

Many Polish job offers

According to various data, there is a shortage of 50,000 in Poland up to 80 thousand employees in the IT industry. Employers openly admit that they are often ready to hire people with low IT competences just to train them on their own and fill staff shortages. Because they are the main obstacles to business development. Market demand combined with high wages make Poles very open to possible changes in jobs. According to the study “Work in IT” by Evolution, published at the end of May, almost 25 percent of employees in Poland are thinking about retraining and starting work in IT.

According to experts from No Fluff Jobs, the prospect of the global economic crisis looming over Poland and the world should not discourage changes in one’s professional life. The IT industry showed its resilience already during the pandemic crisis – recruitment was stopped only for a short time.

– People thinking about changing to IT should boldly make an attempt and consistently pursue the goal. In IT, a wide range of paths await them (not only those related to programming), but also professional and financial stabilisation. Even if some companies limit the number of junior offers in the short term, let’s remember that the re-industry process takes a long time, so it’s worth starting to invest in your development now to be ready to start the market again – says Tomasz Wija, Chief Growth Officer at No Fluff Jobs.

As he adds, “the technology industry is still one of the most resistant to global crises – we could observe a similar situation during the pandemic”. At that time, the recruitment was actually suspended for a short time, but it would come back with redoubled strength.

Importantly, the IT sector is looking not only for people with hard programming skills. Business and support positions also offer salaries well above what other sectors are offering. According to the Central Statistical Office, the average wage in the enterprise sector in June was 6,554 PLN.

The No Fluff Jobs survey shows that wages in individual categories of occupations are as follows:

  • Project management – 15.1 thousand – 21 thousand PLN – B2B contract; 12 thousand – 18 thousand PLN gross – employment contract;
  • Product management – 15 thousand – 21 thousand PLN – B2B contract; 14 thousand – 19.5 thousand PLN gross – employment contract;
  • Business analysis – 14.2 thousand – 20.1 thousand PLN – B2B contract;
  • UX – 10.9 thousand PLN – 15.8 thousand PLN – employment contract; 12 thousand – 18 thousand PLN – B2B contract;
  • Testing – 10,000 – 15 thousand gross – employment contract.

But I know for a fact that it is even higher at least at some companies in Warsaw

Source: BusinesInsider


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