The most common reasons for changing jobs in Poland in 2022 revealed

The most common reasons for changing jobs in Poland in 2022 revealed

The most common reasons for changing jobs in Poland in 2022 are revealed. The most frequently cited reason for changing jobs was a higher salary in Q1 this year. (45% vs. 38% a year ago) and the desire for professional development (44% vs. 26% a year ago), according to the study “Labor Market Monitor” conducted by the Randstad Research Institute.

Professional development is career development

“Poles perceive professional development primarily as a career development opportunity. When asked what professional development is, 59% of the respondents replied that it is primarily gaining new qualifications through new tasks and responsibilities, and 55% say that the element of development is participation in training and courses improving qualifications.

Definitely less, 43%, believed that it was associated with a promotion to a higher position or the acquisition of certificates and qualifications confirming qualifications. Four out of ten say it is gaining knowledge and skills from co-workers. A change in the industry, on the other hand, is perceived by 11% of respondents as professional development, “we read in the release.

The study shows that almost all employees care about professional development at least to a small extent (98%), and more or less than a half (57%).

The most common reason why employees care about development is development for their own satisfaction (48%), but also the chance for higher remuneration (44%), was also given.

The study showed that fears of losing a job remain at a similar level as in 2021 – 9% are largely afraid of losing it.

“In the event of losing a job, a comparable percentage of the respondents see a chance to find any new job as in the previous quarter – 87% of respondents, and 68% declare that they hope to find an equally good or better job” – reads the report.

9% of employees were looking for a job

According to Randstad, in the first quarter of this year 9% of employees were looking for a job. The youngest employees aged 18-29 (12%) were more often looking for a new job.

“Job satisfaction remains at a level comparable to last quarter – 75% of employees are rather or very satisfied with their work. Telecommunications and IT employees are definitely the most satisfied (91%). Unskilled workers (61%), as well as trade and service workers (67%) are significantly less satisfied than the general population, ”Randstad reported.

According to 62% of the surveyed employees, the most key competence in the future will be the knowledge of foreign languages, it was also stated.

The Labour Market Monitor is a survey by the Randstad Research Institute, it is a quarterly survey carried out in Poland since 2010. The current, 47th edition of the survey was carried out between March 3 and 17, 2022 by the Pollster Research Institute using the CAWI method on 1009 respondents.

Source: Inwestycje



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