A technology revolution is near and unheard of on the labour market

A technology revolution is near and unheard of on the labour market

A technology revolution is only a few years away. A quarter of the world’s population will be spending at least an hour a day in the metaverse in four years’ time.

This percentage is twice as high among the younger generation. This means a revolution that has not yet been seen in the labour, education and entertainment industries.

Although it may be difficult for many people to imagine, soon virtual reality will accompany us in a much wider range than today.

Technological giants are working on it

Company meetings will be held not in large office buildings, but in the metaversum. Technological giants are working on it, and according to research, a quarter of the world’s population will spend an hour a day there in just four years

Metaverse or the Polonized Metaverse – this word is already beginning to change the perception of many everyday activities. Soon it will change them completely.

Despite this fact, many people still do not realise what the metaverse really is. This term first appeared in the science fiction novel “Blizzard” and meant a form of virtual reality in which people lead their lives on many levels. They do it with avatars.

Now the metaversum is starting to materialise. Thanks to successive projects in virtual space , people start to interact with each other using different technologies and devices. It is a kind of simulation of the real world, where you can learn, work, talk, but also relax by taking part in many different types of events, e.g. concerts.

Thanks to the metaverse, we are simply supposed to feel deeper. Of course, we will not get everything for free. It will be completed with a virtual currency.

Work in virtual offices, purchase of digital land

At first glance, it may seem like a matter of the distant future. Nothing could be more wrong. The latest research by the American company Gartner shows that by 2026 as much as 25 percent. people will spend at least one hour a day in the metaverse. This time they will spend on work, shopping, education, social contacts and entertainment.

“Research shows that the metaversum is already starting to gradually enter our lives. Companies are starting to build models to help metaverse users duplicate their lives in the digital world. How?

For example, by working in virtual offices, buying digital land or building virtual houses”, explains Bartosz Bilicki, founder and CEO of the SmartVerum startup dealing with art tokenization and creating an “artistic” metaversum.

For many years, Bilicki was also the president of the board of the Blockchain Poland Association, where he currently acts as an expert in the field of NFT.

“Everything now takes place in many separate environments. However, in the end it will take place in one metaworld, similar to how we have one internet today. We will pay for the opportunities that the metaverse opens with virtual currency.

There are already many of them today. The so-called non-convertible tokens also play a key role. NFT – they give value to any object” – adds Bilicki.

Zukerbeg is already working on his own metaverse

Needless to say, no single provider will own the metawesum. Interactions will take place on different levels. Entire virtual economies will emerge.

The way you do your work will also change. Companies will be able to engage employees in a greater way by creating virtual offices with workspaces.

It is the metaverse that will provide the framework for such work. As a result, it will not be necessary to create additional, own infrastructure.

In the middle of last year, Mark Zuckerberg announced the creation of his own metaversum. In one of the interviews, he said that he sees a great difference between a business meeting conducted with the use of an ordinary communicator and the one taking place in a virtual space.

The latter gives a much greater sense of presence. This will be an important element for many people. Especially that due to the pandemic, many companies have completely switched to remote work.

What’s more, the metaverse will allow you to create a virtual office with many screens and fully portable devices or tasks spread out in several places.

However, the owner of Facebook will certainly not be the only one to hit the metaverse market. The Gartner report shows that by 2026, 30 percent. companies around the world will already have metaverse-ready products or services. It is not known yet which project will dominate the virtual world.

“Today we cannot prejudge it. Just as it is impossible to precisely answer the question which of the investments in the metaversum will be profitable in the long run. It is worthwhile to broaden your knowledge and observe this market all the time.

As you can see from the results of the research, the interest is constantly growing, and the majority of users are minors, who will soon start earning money and creating the future of the world” adds Bartosz Bilicki from SmartVerum.

More than half of the young people will work there

This is confirmed by the results of subsequent studies. They were conducted by the Internet giant, Microsoft. She asked her clients if they were considering working in the metaverse at least partially.

The question was answered by over 31000 employees from 31 countries around the world. For many of them, the metaversum will be an important part of their professional careers.

Young people are the greatest enthusiasts of working in a virtual environment. As much as 51 percent of people from the so-called generation of multitasking or post-millennials, i.e. those born in the second half of the 1990s and at the beginning of the 21st century, stated that in the next few years they intend to do some of their work through the metaversum.

In a slightly older group, the so-called Millennials (born between the early 1980s and early 1990s), this percentage is only slightly lower. It is 48 percent. subjects. According to them, the new technology will allow for more comfortable work.

“It is hardly surprising that young people take this approach. They were born in digital times, raised on Minecraft, social media. They constantly observe the changing world of new technologies and are not afraid of it.

So they approach the metaverse as another chance that this world offers. And which should be used in the best possible way”, says Bartosz Bilicki.

With age, the percentage of respondents convinced that they will work, participate in meetings and perform many other tasks slightly decreases.

However, even among the X generation, i.e. people born between the mid-1960s and early 1980s, it amounts to 38%. It is the lowest in the group of the so-called boomers (born between the mid-40s and mid-60s). It is still as much as 28 percent of the respondents.

Only 16 percent. asked by Microsoft believe that their future professional life will not be related to the metaversum in any way.

Source: BusinessInsider



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